Ack I know, I should have posted this along time ago! Its not my fault I lack the necessary qualities to finish something i start. Hell it takes me 6 hours to finisha sandwich!
Well hello! I have to say this is all rather exciting! I havent guested before and I wonder if my post might have to be forcefully edited after it is done. I never know whats up to Mr K's standards :D.
So I am writing about the powerpuff girls doujinshi. I recently was bored on the internet and so I visited the homepage of the last webcomic awards. I thought it would be a good idea to bookmark every comic that won an award and then come back and read through them at a later date, so i did.
This webcomic will probably be a fairly/really good if you have never had the chance to watch cartoon network (a sky channel of cartoons, hilarious even if you arent a kid). However if you have seen any amount of programmes on cartoon network you start to get an affinty with the characters, as you would with any programme watched for a time, and this is why this webcomic is such a good read.
At first I was blown away by the level of art work in the first couple of pages and then was amazed that the artist was able to keep it up, although this, I am led to believe, is the reason that it is a slow updating webcomic.
I cant think of much else to say at the moment and I've spent far too long not posting this. So just try it out, I found it to be fantastic!
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