Friday, January 05, 2007

Is it not nifty?

I, like most sensible human beings, am a big fan of sluggy freelance. I am also, coincidentally, not a great fan of guest strips. They tend to be somewhat lame- the humour if often discordant with the comic itself, and frequently far too self referential for it's own good. I understand why it's done- it's just not something I appreciate.

So it's odd that one of my favourite stories from sluggy was not by Pete Abrams. Instead, it was the koan by T Campbell. In it a fan is in despair- his girlfriend has left him, and the latest storyline has left him tragically sad, and to cap it all, bun bun has escaped out into the real world(how many times has that happened to you?). Hijinks ensue, leading him to a confrontation with this message. I'll leave the rest to you, but the central message is somewhat brilliant, I feel one, and one I truly took away with me. Along with this inspired point, it's also rather true to the characters, and the art looks great. If for some reason you missed out on it, it's worth checking out, and even if you didn't, it's worth another look.


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