A Valentines message
Beautiful stuff. Was waiting for someone to do this....
A blog about webcomics, in all their weird and wonderful ways.
I am a huge fan of Order of the Stick, as I have mentioned here. Recently the author has started hosting a new webcomic, Erfworld, created by Rob Balder, the creator of Partially Clips. Interestingly.... it's quite different to both of them. It certainly isn't gag a day, and while it does have something to do with the roleplaying world, in this strip the main character has been thrust into it.
In the past I have spoken about some webcomics that I loved, but have stopped updating. This has changed somewhat, in particular the great Elf Only Inn is back! It's changed location from a chat room to a MMO, but it's still got the same vibe and characters as before. On a slightly different note, Life's so Rad is available in book form, and also the author, Corie Marie, has created a new webcomic, Scene Language, which is also enjoyable. I would reccomend checking both out.
So my computer has died- I'm writing this on my housemates computer right now, although I have much more limited access to it. See I'm actually MEANT to be revising.
XKCD is not a webcomic that needs a great amount of promotion. It's a webcomic that snuck up on me- I saw it mentioned in various other comics, but every time I started to read it, the unexciting inital strips put me off. I have gone over this here, and I think it's something that webcomics (that are interested in attracting new readers) really should address.
I, like most sensible human beings, am a big fan of sluggy freelance. I am also, coincidentally, not a great fan of guest strips. They tend to be somewhat lame- the humour if often discordant with the comic itself, and frequently far too self referential for it's own good. I understand why it's done- it's just not something I appreciate.
This time for good. Maybe. Well. Possibly. Still, I think last time I put too much pressure on myself as to write something relevant, or exciting. This time round, I'm just going to write when and whatever I feel about. So.... what to start with.
Ack I know, I should have posted this along time ago! Its not my fault I lack the necessary qualities to finish something i start. Hell it takes me 6 hours to finisha sandwich!